Hang on a Minute While I Take This Call

I am going to age myself but oh well here goes.  


Who remembers sitting at the dinner table growing up and the phone seems to ring all the time. Why, because telemarketers could only sell at night because we didn't have other times where we could be reached. My how the times have changed. Today studies show that most Americans have their phone within 3 feet of them at all times.  


Whether it is text, email, voice call, Facetime, social media or whatever the new trend/fad is, it is hard to get meaningful connection and engagement from…..well anyone.  


As pharmacies, we struggle with this on a constant basis. Trying to navigate the intricate patient journey for benefits investigation, copay assistance, clinical management all the way to dispensing lifesaving medication….if we are lucky. 


It seems more and more that people are wanting to receive communication in less intrusive ways. Think about it, how many business conversations have moved to email or even text instead of phone conversations. Sure, the phone is a much more efficient way to talk to someone. I often tell my client facing team that a 5 minute phone call will solve 50 emails worth of problems.  


Now to put this in terms of patients and caregivers. Their life is hectic. It was hectic before they got their diagnosis and now they have been thrown into a world that even the most educated of us have trouble navigating. They are getting calls from to many people to keep straight and answering questions sometimes 2, 3 or 4 times over. Frankly, it is maddening. For some it may feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone. They probably just wish they could answer these questions on their own time, away from the crowds, away from the noise and certainly not right when it's convenient for your call center staff. I once heard the quote "You've got to enter someone's world to lead them out." and it struck a chord with me. You can't stand on the bank of a river and tell someone how to stop drowning, you have to jump in and bring help. 


From the patient's perspective, they want things on their terms when engaging with you. Technology exists now that can easily replace a phone conversation. Most patients are capable of handling answering a question on their own when prompted correctly. If we can provide them with convenient channels to communicate they will feel better, less stressed and more willing to connect via your terms when necessary because you do your best to do this at a minimum. 


Now think about your resources. I once heard someone tell me that they spend 3.5 calls per fill. Imagine the time drain that is. Sure a missed phone call with voicemail is around 30 seconds each BUT when you consider the prep time, documentation to follow up, etc... it's taking much more time to get that fill out the door and all you have is a few questions. What would it mean to you if those numbers went down 1, 1.5, or 2 calls? What if your patients got you information back faster? What would that do for your need to overnight a delivery to save adherence? 


Today's patients are no longer the bed ridden invalid patients of yesterday. Today's medicine has provided them with the opportuity to live a semi-normal life. There are technologies out there providing ways for your pharmacy to reach out to patient's on their terms that will allow them to connect and answer questions specific to their demographics. Don't use old methodologies with old technologies to move into the future. Let technology provide a way for you to allow those patients to connect with your pharmacy as virtual as you both need and move forward to a new normal. Meet them in their world, understand them and show them the path to a great clinical outcome. 



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